We have been in business for 22 years, operating since 2000 and located in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Serving clients in Alberta as well as across Canada, the United States, & Europe. Many clients are based in Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, London, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Seattle, New York and more across global market place. We work with small businesses up to multi-national corporations. No project is too small for us and all clients and projects are treated with dedication and professional courtesy. We will help you achieve your requirements and give you edge you are seeking in your software.
Knowledge is power thats why we feed our clients with new ideas!
"Knowledge is power" may be an old buzz phrase, but it proves to be very true in business today. Many I.T., I.S., Software Development and Hosting providers don’t actually feed their clients knowledge; rather, they offer quick fixes and sometimes with little or no training . Our goal is to put you in the driver's seat by providing comprehensive, easy to use effective solutions with training and support for the tools we provide.
Our concept of feeding clients is to equip them with new techniques, ideas, technologies, updates and tools that will help them push to the front of the pack and give them that crucial edge over their competition.
Our History and Philosophy
Having worked in the field and with various technologies for a number years, we opened our doors 22 years ago in February of 2000. Our vision of takeing your vision and creating comprehensive software solutions became a reality … and we love making that vision happen. We have maintained the philosophy that focusing on the true needs of the end user will result in a powerful solution and a positive R.O.I. for each and every one of our clients.
Our Approach To Success
By achieving a clear road map (Scope of Work) and defining a concise budget that all parties can adhere to, we move on to the development phase. Using best practice techniques and cutting-edge technology, we develop quality solutions capable of delivering the established vision. Finally, we back up our solutions with the training and support necessary to ensure that our clients have a clear understanding of their new product.
Our People
Since a business is only as good as its people, our qualified professionals strive to provide the best possible service and value for the customer.
Each of our developers are empowered to be innovative and creative in their approach, while keeping up to date on all new technologies. This approach translates into fresh and highly effective results for your business.
We have the philosophy that good software solutions require clear planning, smart use of technology and a forward thinking attitude. Keeping the solutions simple and easy to use, but clever and very effective under the hood, makes the end user's Digital Worklife a whole lot more productive and fun.